Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why I am going to college/ Maybe it was a bad idea

I was recently assigned an essay in my English class on why I am going to college. We were instructed to spend no more than an hour on it. I spent a total of 55 minutes on it. If you subtract the amount of time I spent daydreaming, it was really more like 20 minutes. In it I said that I was going to college to be a conartist. I then explained how each of the classes I was taking and my major would aid me in that. I did this all in jest, but maybe it was a bad idea. Now I see my instructor carefully watching what he says all while eyeing me with something like contempt. Honestly, I just wanted to say something completely different than what everyone else was undoubtedly going to say. I have thought about posting it, but since I spent so little time on it and did absolutely no revisions, it seems a bit elementary. I might change my mind later. I do think it is rather funny. I have to make writing assignments fun, almost like a game. I would be happy with a C as long as I made my instructor laugh.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Scariest and Most Powerful Thing in the World

Love. People have died for love. Killed for love. Given everything for love. Lost everything because of love. Certainly love is capable of more destruction than a nuclear bomb, anything made by man, or even any natural force.Even though some may try to use love for whatever purposes, it cannot be controlled or tamed. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of love.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Art of the Silent Fart (possibly a way to prove artistic skill?)

* From this point forward I will refer to the American Fart as the Fluff in honor of my friend, Jemma, who is from Wales.

Have you ever noticed how some people have perfected the art of silent fluffing in hopes of pinning the blame on someone else? Some get so good at it they actually believe it wasn't them! My dad is so good at it, he doesn't even know someone farted at all! For instance, it's a hot summer day. Dad is, ofcourse, our chauffeur driving us who knows where in a van with the windows up and little to no AC. All is well, and then it hits you, the smell of day-old death! Ofcourse followed by cries of "Geez, Dad! Was that you?! Roll down a window! All of them! Can we stop so I can vomit?" His reply, after being shaken out of a daydream (or the male 'nothing box') "What? Oh, yeah, sure. Why? What's going on?" Dad, you're awesome! Just wanted you to know I do actually think about you.

...disclaimer: Artistic license has been taken. He has been well trained to immediately roll down his window. ...then we all follow suit and hold our breath like we're going into a gas chamber. I think that's why that part of basic training in the Army didn't bother me so much... I felt like I was at home! J/K ... I snotted and cried worse than a small child/baby.

(This is some of the stuff I think about as I try to fall asleep)
I love all of you and hope I haven't offended anyone! If I did, why'd you read it?

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I just ate a really big bowl of cheerios. Happiness :D

Friday, August 14, 2009


So I got hurt on my bike a few days ago. No, I didn't wreck it. I fell on it. It was leaning precariously against my wall semi-blocking my front door, and my foot hit a tire causing me to fall on top of it. My knee looks like I've been in a bike wreck, though. Remind me to find another place for my bike.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


I attempted suicide today. How? By riding my mountain bike after not working out for a period of time I am ashamed to admit. You know it's bad when you collapse in front of your door before you can even get the key in. It was a short ride, too! I felt much better after successfully baking two loaves of whole wheat bread. Maybe I should sell my bike and invest in culinary classes? The good thing about actual (not gym) biking is that it forces you to finish. How else would you get back? The bad thing is near death and fatigue to the point you can't even dial 911. Atleast in a gym you are able to "quit while you're ahead."

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The First Pictures

Everybody needs a little change every now and then.

I love to paint my toe nails, and I am grateful that I do not have hideous feet.

The infamous "I'm standing in my bathroom taking a picture of myself" picture.

Yummy! But it probably isn't a good idea to eat fuzzy jelly beans.

I seem to be more pleased with myself in this picture. I do not know why.

I really couldn't make up my mind which I liked the best. What do you think?

In the beginning there was...

nothing but a bunch of empty space in my head.