Sunday, September 6, 2009

Why I am going to college/ Maybe it was a bad idea

I was recently assigned an essay in my English class on why I am going to college. We were instructed to spend no more than an hour on it. I spent a total of 55 minutes on it. If you subtract the amount of time I spent daydreaming, it was really more like 20 minutes. In it I said that I was going to college to be a conartist. I then explained how each of the classes I was taking and my major would aid me in that. I did this all in jest, but maybe it was a bad idea. Now I see my instructor carefully watching what he says all while eyeing me with something like contempt. Honestly, I just wanted to say something completely different than what everyone else was undoubtedly going to say. I have thought about posting it, but since I spent so little time on it and did absolutely no revisions, it seems a bit elementary. I might change my mind later. I do think it is rather funny. I have to make writing assignments fun, almost like a game. I would be happy with a C as long as I made my instructor laugh.


  1. Haha, it's okay I think I've done stuff like that before. Funny is relative, anyway! This is Ben Busey, I just found your blog....

    P.S. The word here is "phancia"
